Welcome to Royalè Philippine Products.

First of all, we would like to inform each and all of our customers that this site is mainly created to promote Royalè products which we retail at the most affordable prices. Consider as one of the Royalistas! You can check all other retailers/dealers online or locally and compare our market price over the upfront cost of our competitors. Doing so will help you realize the margin of discounts and savings that you can get simply through shopping with us.

Now to those who are not familiar with Royalè products such as Food Supplements, Multi-Vitamins, Anti-Oxidants, Skin Whiteners, Lightening Cream/Lotion/Toner, Anti-Ageing Soap, Facial & Body Cosmetics, and even mixed drinks. Allow us to shed some light on that matter by giving you a brief information about this brand.
Royalè Business Club International, Inc
Official Logo of Royale Business Club International, Inc. 
Royalè Business Club International, Inc., commonly known as Royalè is a world-class, Filipino-owned corporation which started in the year 2006. Since then, this company had provided FDA-approved health, wellness and beauty products as aforementioned above. It has been backed by experienced industry leaders in Finance and Marketing to ensure the quality and services they offer are always utmost. As a proof, Royalè does not just stand proud and tall in the Philippine market industry alone, it is also an accepted and trusted brand in several countries internationally. Additionally, Royalè is awarded SuperBrands status. All of Royalè's in-house products (beauty and wellness) are BFAD approved, PIPAC analyzed and HALAL certified.

Royalè is awarded SuperBrands status
Credits: Royalè Business Club International, Inc.

The company claimed that their venture to make this business grow lead to an enormous success making them the benchmark of today's Filipino-owned corporations. Now, many would also like to take the same journey that Royalè once took to expand their business worldwide.

If you're looking for world-class products that are manufactured through state-of-the-art technology and processes, as well as top-notch services, then we guarantee you that Royalè Business Club International, Inc. is competitive enough to provide you all these.


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